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The strange non-crisis of economics : economic crisis and crisis policies in economic and political discourses / eingereicht von: Stephan Pühringer
AutorInnenPühringer, Stephan
Begutachter / BegutachterinÖtsch, Walter ; Kapeller, Jakob
ErschienenLinz, Oktober 2015
Umfangvi, 184 Blätter : Illustrationen
SchlagwörterEuropa / Finanzkrise / Krisenmanagement / Politik / Wirtschaft / Diskurs / Netzwerkanalyse
Schlagwörter (DE)Finanzkrise / europäsche Krisenpolitik / ökonomische Diskurse / politische und gesellschaftliche Wirkmächtigkeit ökonomischen Wissens / Netzwerkanalyse / Diskursanalyse / Performativity of Economics
Schlagwörter (EN)financial and economic crisis / european crisis policies / economic discourses / political and societal impact of economic thought / network analysis / discourse analysis / Performativity of Economics
 Das Werk ist gemäß den "Hinweisen für BenützerInnen" verfügbar

About seven years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, followed by a series of economic crises there are hardly any signs for a crisis of economics. After a short period of public, political and self-criticism of economics and distinct economists the dominant crisis narratives brought forward in economic, public and political discourses ignore the role of the ruling economic thought as potential cause of the crisis. The financial crisis and the subsequent crisis policies offer a good example to study the formation of new and persistence of old "economic imaginaries" (Jessop) as well as their impact on the process of policy-making at a time when the dominant economic paradigm is potentially contested. In this thesis, however, I am demonstrating that a broader conception of "economic imaginaries" present in economic, political and public discourses in combination with a social network perspective on the actors and institutions active in these discourses allows better understanding of the crisis and subsequent crisis policies. The result of this thesis - demonstrated in four separate articles - is that the "economic imaginary" of the "market mechanism" in "normal times" and its superiority over policy-making processes is dominant among political and societal influential economists in the post WW II-German-speaking area, persists throughout the crisis and crisis policies in economic, public and political discourse and is the key to the strange non-crisis of economics observed after the financial crisis.

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