
Evaluation of scrolling techniques for a mouse with a touchscreen / Demi Marie Dauerer
VerfasserDauerer, Demi Marie
Begutachter / BegutachterinAhlström, David
BetreuerAhlström, David
ErschienenKlagenfurt, November 2021
Umfangx, 105 Seiten : Diagramme
Schlagwörter (EN)HCI / Mouse / Scrolling Techniques / Evaluation / Touchscreen Interaction / Moose
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This thesis introduces the concept of the Moose, which is a mouse with a touchscreen. The Moose offers many new opportunities for interaction with the PC. Before those can be explored, it needs to be ensured that the Moose can perform the fundamental interactions, that a mouse provides, such as clicking, dragging, and scrolling. To pave the way for future research, this thesis investigates how scrolling can be implemented on the Moose. A comprehensive assessment of current scrolling techniques and related literature is presented. Following this, prototypes are iteratively implemented and tested. The most promising techniques Drag, Circle, Flick, Rate-based, and Rubbing are then further evaluated in a user study. All techniques that were evaluated perform well and have their pros and cons. Drag is good for the exact positioning of content, whereas Flick, Rate-based, and Rubbing are good for fast movement. Even though performing the worst, Circle was still very much enjoyed by some participants. The heterogeneous feedback from the users makes it hard to specify which technique is the most popular. Yet, the obtained results indicate that Flick and Rate-based work the best on the Moose. At the end of this thesis, ways to further improve the techniques are presented and suggestions for future work are made.

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